Sunday 1 April 2007

I Lament the Banter

Oh banter where art thee?? or thou?? Feck knows.

Today ladles and jelly spoons my mind is devoid of inspiration. The source of this black hole can be identified easily enough...I have a job interview tomorrow and the thought of having to bastardise myself for a decent pay-check is a little demoralising. But then maybe I shouldn't have made so many decisions a while ago based on if's and but's.
I regress, I shouldn't complain too much really as I will very definately be out of a job come Friday, so I will take the opportunities as they come for the moment.

Onwards and upwards.

On a happier note, saw my wee brother Gordie today for a pub lunch and a small sunbathe in Princes Street gradens, before he heads off to England somewhere for the rest of his R.A.F interview. Mon' the Gord!!!!!! He'd make an excellent PTI you know.

And yesterday I saw an awesome (euch, americanisms ahoy) dance show called "HELD". Brought to us from Australia. Cool.

And it's a beautiful sunny day. Get In!

And there's a possibility of scoring some Rock Ness tickets for FREE - *grin*

So. Today.

Things I Like -

Sister ( who probably got smashed last night, but hopefully didn't get into trouble)
Books (specifically re-reading "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintanence")
New Hoodies
Sleep (Sunday morning lie-in)
Being Short ( it is cool really)

Things I Dont Like-

Preparing for job interviews
Possibility of a SHIT sleep, as it's Monday tomorrow
Cat farts..and any follow through (it has to be out of the building in 5 minutes or there's a serious risk of passing out...and they are so's unnatural I tell you...UNNATURAL!)
Rude people (but that's one for everyday)
Being Short (for all the reasons it may not be cool)

Anyway. That's all for now. Not too interesting I know, but still

I need a cup of tea(for me) and a sedative (for the cat).

Good Vibes


1 comment:

SargentPepper said...

Dude man, you gotta keep going with this blog thing....

Lament the banter NOT!

SP x