Saturday 24 March 2007

And there you have it.

Nothing a cup of tea couldn't cure.

My blog and place to rant and rave and make merry with the web world and hopefully a place to make some new friends. Although today I have been touched to my very soul by someone I consider a big brother and one of my best friends. Chris. I will put myself out there and say that in times of crisis I believe friends should reach out and give you a hand if they can. And I seem to have friends like these in abundance. But when the shit hits the fan for you and it's a really personal matter (even if it wouldn't be to someone else who has the luxury of being carefree and not worrying like a motherbitch-like I do) there are only a tiny handful I turn to. And today was such a day, it didn't take much, just someone to be there and he did. Eternally grateful as always.


Bit of brevity and levity?

No problem:

Went out Friday night, got a bit drunk, danced like a fool with some groovy peeps.
To 80's music no less.
Would do it again, well some of it at any rate.


Phat tune for the day

Arctic Monkeys - I bet that you look good on the dancefloor.


Short but sweet to start people.



Chris said...

Heeeeeey, Lady

Welcome to the grand world of Ranters and Ravers. :)

Givin' it large, baby!

C x

SargentPepper said...

S'up dude

Welcome to the world of bloody blogs xx